How can we help?

Thanks for your interest. If you are inquiring about services, please feel free to call or email. If you would like to know more about our training content and schedule, please send an email.

Thanks again. I look forward to going on your journey with you!


Ruth Castellano
Sandplay for Healing

186 Main Street
Chatham, NJ, 07928
United States

973 457 2650

Sandplay for Healing is owned by Ruth Castellano, Red Bank, New Jersey. Ruth has been working in the field of counseling and psychotherapy for more then 20 years.


How can we help?


Thanks for your interest. If you are inquiring about services, please feel free to call or email. If you would like to know more about our training content and schedule, please send an email.

Thanks again. I look forward to going on your journey with you!


Ruth Castellano
Sandplay for Healing


Schedule your appointment:


Sandplay for Healing LLC
Ruth Castellano MA CST LPC


186 Main Street
Chatham NJ 07928


(973) 457 2650
Monday – Friday
8:30am – 7pm


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